Bible School Online

Join a Bible School for FREE

Bible School Online is a FREE online bible study course to enable you to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God

How long is it

It is a full year course, that requires about 2 hours weekly. Every week you should aim to complete two 30min video studies, and answer questions related to the subject matter. Although you may do more or less than this, as time allows, to graduate you will need to meet the deadlines for the work at specified intervals

How do we study

You study at home, using your smartphone, at your own time. All answers can be submitted directly on your smartphone. You are logged in so you get a unique experience, can view past answers, and marking from your facilitator.

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Allow the Lord to grow you in knowledge, depth and passion for the things of God

What do we study?

The Main modules, each which take a month, are Discipleship, Evangelism, Faith Library, Bible 1, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Disciplines, Leadership

More about the course

Do I get marked?

Yes a facilitator is assigned to you, and will read your answers, encouraging you as you proceed. You don’t get assigned a mark though but encouraged as you work through the material

Do I graduate?

Yes, our graduation is in November, and all students who have finished the work will graduate at this time. To graduate in November you must have been enrolled for at least eight months. We do not write exams, but the questions need to be filled in with thought and reasonable detail to graduate. Our graduation is in Cape Town, but in the future, if we have enough graduates in your area, we will arrange a graduation near you.

Where does this course come from?

This website was developed by Pastor Tony Goy of Every Nation Langa. Ps Tony and his wife Colleen, has been ministering in the township of Langa for almost three decades. Their desire is to see the Word of God grow in the previously disadvantaged areas of South Africa. This Bible School is one of the tools to make it happen. They have been pastoring the “Every Nation Langa” congregation since 2014 and the course has been developed as they have discipled within their own congregation.

And who is “Every Nation”

Every Nation is an international family of churches. The course that is taught here is was developed by Every Nation in 2006 and is called “Every Nation Leadership Institute” It was chosen as it is suitable for individuals whose first language is not English. It avoids theological discussions and presents the Word of God in a straight forward and logical manner. It has been found to create a great love for the Christ and prepare people for a greater work that the Lord has for them.

Find out more about Every Nation